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Wednesday, February 25, 2015


·        February 26, 2015 – Fisk recruiter Jason Harrison and Karriem Dean participate in Borough of Manhattan Community College transfer student fair from 11am – 4pm.  BMCC—199 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007
·        March 6, 2015 – Hold a Fisk “Meet & Greet President H. James Williams of Fisk University” at the home of Fisk Trustee Adrienne McWilliams.  
·        March 7, 2015 – All alums are invited to assist with high school recruitment at Riverbank State Park in Harlem 679 Riverside Drive N.Y., N.Y.  10031.   12 NOON – 4PM.
·        March 7, 2015 - * A second high school college fair is held in Brooklyn and there is an urgent need for alumni support to sit at recruitment table and speak about their experiences.  Mott Hall Bridges Academy, located at 210 Chester St., Brooklyn, NY10 AM-5 PM | College Fair 10 AM-12 PM | Stroll Show 1 PM-3 PM | Step Show 3 PM-5 PM.
·        March 14, 2015 – Host a Fisk “Recruitment Information Session with Vice-President Anthony Jones of Fisk University” at Concord Baptist Church of Christ in Brooklyn, New York.  Host - Fisk Alum Reverend Dr. Emma Jordan-Simpson.  A brief alumni gathering will take place between 11am – 2pm EST

Edward A. Murray, Jr., Chairman
NYC Omega Black College Tour

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